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President Hu Jintao Meets with His Nigerian Counterpart Yar'Adua in Berlin, Germany

2007-06-08 00:00

On June 7, Chinese President Hu Jintao meets with his Nigerian counterpart Yar'Adua in Berlin, Germany

On June 7, 2007, Chinese President Hu Jintao met in Berlin, Germany with his Nigerian counterpart Umaru Yar'Adua, exchanging views on bilateral ties and other issues of common concern.

Hu said the two peoples share profound traditional friendship. Since China and Nigeria established diplomatic relations in 1971, bilateral ties have witnessed sound and steady development and have demonstrated good momentum for development, Hu said. The two countries have established a strategic partnership based on political mutual trust, economic mutual benefit and cooperation in international affairs, said the Chinese leader. Cooperation was successful in the fields of infrastructure, agriculture, communications, energy, culture, education, health, aviation and outer space, said Hu, adding that the two countries have also maintained close coordination in international affairs. Bilateral ties have entered a new stage for development, he said, noting that with joint efforts, mutually beneficial cooperation will bear more fruit.

Describing Nigeria as an influential country in the African continent, Hu said China is willing to enhance coordination and cooperation with Nigeria on important international issues, such as regional conflicts, the fight against terrorism and human rights, in a bid to promote South-South cooperation and South-North dialogue and to jointly protect developing countries' legitimate rights and interests.

The Chinese leader expressed hope that the two countries can implement the projects which have been agreed on, including the upgrading of Nigeria's rail networks, the development of Nigeria's rural telephone networks and the Mambilla hydropower station, to push bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation to bear more fruit. Hu said the Chinese government will continue to encourage well-established Chinese companies to invest in Nigeria, and he hoped that the Nigerian side will take effective measures to protect the lives and property of Chinese citizens in Nigeria to facilitate cooperation.

Hu also briefed Yar'Adua on the development of China-Africa relations and the implementation of the results of Beijing summit of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum last year. To promote unity and cooperation with other developing countries, including African countries, has always been an important part of China's foreign policy, said Hu. China will be steadfast in deepening the traditional friendship and practical cooperation with Africa and in promoting the new China-Africa strategic partnership.

Yar'Adua said the development of Nigeria-China relations has been sound. He appreciated China's assistance, saying China has been playing an important role in Nigeria's development. He said Nigeria hopes that the two countries can deepen economic and trade links, enhance cooperation in railway, hydropower and communications, and expand exchanges in culture, education and science and technology. Yar'Adua said his country will spare no efforts in protecting the lives of Chinese citizens in Nigeria. Attaching importance to relations with China, Nigeria sticks to the one-China policy, said Yar'Adua.

Yar'Adua spoke highly of China's efforts to develop relations with Africa, pledging that Nigeria is ready to play a positive role in promoting Africa-China relations as closer cooperation with China will be conducive to African development. Yar'Adua thanked for China's support to the African Union (AU) and the New Partnership for Africa's Development (NEPAD), expressing hope that China can play an even more important role in helping Africa with its development and its fight against poverty.

State Councilor Tang Jiaxuan attended the meeting.

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