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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on EU's Statement Concerning Tibet

2008-03-20 00:00

Q: On March 17, EU issued a Presidency statement on Tibet situation. Do you have any comment?

A: We have taken note of EU’s Presidency statement on the situation in Tibet. China has informed the EU and its member states of the truth of the criminal act of violence involving beating, destruction of property, looting and arson, and the lawful measures taken by the competent authorities of the Tibet Autonomous Region. The incident is premeditated, organized and instigated by the Dalai clique, and perpetrated by the separatist forces of “Tibetan Independence” both in and outside China acting in collusion. It has again exposed the separatist nature of the Dalai clique, as well as the hypocrisy and deception of their claimed “peace” and “nonviolence”. Their acts are a gross trampling on the fundamental human rights and the principle of freedom.

We hope the EU can respect facts, draw a clear line between the right and wrong, and make joint efforts with the international community to stop the criminal act of violence of the Dalai clique.

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